
Legal Intent Behind Firearms Use

Research from several national surveys shows Americans use guns in self-defense millions of times each year. It is a huge number considering that most defensive gun uses do not result in shots fired. However, the NCVS only asks about defensive gun use if respondents report being victims of certain crimes (e.g., rape or assault). And crime victims may misremember traumatic events.


It is important to understand when you can legally use physical force to defend yourself or a third party from injury or death. The legal standard for non-deadly power is called “reasonable self-defense.” It means you must believe that your actions are reasonable under the circumstances and that you are facing a threat of harm. Those with a strong background in martial arts can train to reposition themselves and take advantage of an attacker’s movements. It may be as simple as using hip muscles and body weight to torque the criminal’s wrist to rip their gun away from them or as complicated as a sweeping kick that puts an attacker on the ground and disarms them. The gun lobby spreads the false notion that a good man can use a gun to defeat a bad guy. Researchers have shown that defensive gun uses are far less common than the figures that are used to justify more guns in circulation. If you legally have a weapon like Foxtrot Mike Products fm-9. You might as well use it and upgrade some parts for better effectiveness.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers are often called upon to make life-or-death decisions daily. They are, therefore, armed because they need the ability to protect themselves and others. 

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In addition to allowing and requiring officers to carry guns and ammo within department guidelines, many departments also allow or need officers to purchase their duty sidearms, which tend to be more powerful and lethal than standard-issue sidearms. It will enable them to customize their weapons to fit their unique needs, which can be an advantage in the field.

In the early 2000s, the NRA worked with the Department of Defense to develop and train law enforcement using firearms and non-lethal force technology. It helped ensure officers had the right tools to deal with dangerous situations.


A large body of research considers the effects of firearms on injury, crime and suicide. But less attention has been given to their defensive and deterrent products. The presence of a gun can frighten criminals away and reduce their chances of loss of property, injury, or even death. For example, the national crime victimization surveys analyzed by Kleck found that potential victims of robbery who resisted armed robbers with guns were no more likely to be injured or killed than those who did not resist. Moreover, a woman Air Force pilot who pulled a gun on a man trying to steal her car while stuck in gridlocked traffic in New Orleans stopped him with just one shot. Many defensive gun uses go unreported because they don’t involve an attacker fatally wounded or otherwise captured by the police. However, Hemenway cites two studies of self-reported defensive gun uses using randomized telephone surveys that use screening questions to weed out false reports and are conducted by researchers who specialize in this area of study.

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When a home is under attack, the presence of a firearm may frighten a criminal away and reduce the likelihood of property loss or injury. However, a large body of research has shown that the mere presence of a gun does not de-escalate a situation in every environment. In many cases, a home invasion can be prevented by taking steps to secure the dwelling and surrounding areas. A well-lit room, fences and locked doors can all help to deter crime. Consider moving to a building better protected by solid walls or floor-to-ceiling steel mesh. From an insurance standpoint, the decision to arm security officers can be difficult for some firms. It’s important for a security company to carefully weigh the benefits of this type of service against increased costs and policy exclusions. For armed security personnel, the choice of weapon can be vital.