
Signs Your Pool Needs Immediate Repair

Keeping your pool in excellent condition is essential for safe and enjoyable swimming. It takes a lot of work to keep your pool looking its best, and you should address any problems immediately.

If you’re having any of the following signs, it’s time to call a professional pool service.Cracked or Broken TilesEven with proper cleaning and maintenance, swimming pools will deteriorate over time. When this happens, calling in a pool repair professional to address the issue before it gets out of hand is important.Cracks in your pool are a major sign that the structure of your pool needs immediate repair. These cracks can cause serious leaks and damage the interior surface of your pool. They can also lead to structural issues with your pool’s concrete, fiberglass, or liner.One of the most common signs that your pool needs immediate repair is when you have to fill it up more often than normal. This is usually due to a piping or pool pump leak. A pool repair St Louis, MO can help you find the source of the leak and repair it immediately.Broken PlasterWhile plaster might seem ancient, it’s still widely used. It’s a good option for old homes because it holds up to movement and physical trauma. However, if it needs to be properly installed or maintained, it can delaminate or separate from the wooden structure supporting the lath.Small cracks in the plaster’s surface are not uncommon and generally not a cause for concern. However, large cracks that go deeper into the plaster indicate more severe damage and need immediate attention.Bubbling on the plaster is another problem that requires immediate attention. It might look bloated and stretched outward, but it’s a sign of water exposure. This big problem can lead to leaks and more serious issues with algae. Tiny spots of discoloration—copper or iron-looking—are also signs of an imbalance in the water’s chemistry. This usually indicates the need for a shock treatment to get rid of it. This is best done with a kit designed for pool chemistry testing and shock treatments.Dirty WaterDirty water can indicate that your pool has an issue with its chemicals or filtration system. It may also indicate a leak somewhere in your pool’s piping.Typically, you should not see the water level in your pool drop more than an inch a week due to evaporation. If you do, it is a good idea to call a professional service to come out and inspect your swimming pool.Over time, all grout becomes discolored as dirt and bacteria become lodged in it. When you notice that your pool’s grout is becoming discolored, it is a sign that it is time to resurface it.Leaking WaterLeaks can be very damaging and require a pool professional to repair. A leaking pool is also a sign that the pool needs to be drained and resurfaced.While a normal amount of water loss is expected, an increase could indicate a leak in the plumbing or pool equipment. Leaks can carry away chemicals and require additional to maintain a healthy balance. This may also lead to increased water usage and higher chemical costs.Pool leaks can cause the concrete to crack and erode, damaging your pool and property. It is important to address a leak immediately.

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