
3 Ways To Figure Out Why a Product Failed

Brand-new products appear daily. Sometimes they work fantastically and sell fast, but other times they do not sell at all. Product failures can be discouraging and frustrating but they should not end in complete abandon. There are many ways to figure out why a product flopped and to fix the issues so it is successful the next time around. Here are three measures you can take to discover why a product did not work and improve it for the future. 

Physically Examine It

Often when a product fails it is because it literally breaks or does not function correctly. When this is the case, reverse engineering can help. Deconstructing the product and inspecting each individual piece can help you determine why exactly it broke or did not work in the first place. You may even discover that the solution is fairly simple and that only a single component needs replaced or even that a simplified design will make it better and less costly to produce. 

Perform Tests

If after a physical examination you still cannot figure out why it did not work, you can start experimenting. Use the product yourself. Have others you know and trust use it. Do controlled laboratory experiments to discover why it is not working as it should be. You can also test a product’s practicality through a smaller group of your target customers.

You may discover through these assessments that the product itself is not flawed but the application method is. Alternatively, they may indicate that the device cannot stand up to prolonged usage and needs adjustment. Wherever and whatever the issue is, experimentation may be the answer to solving the problem and bettering the product as a whole for optimal consumption.

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Ask Your Customers

Products fail because customers do not like them for some reason. The best way to find out why they are disliked is to go to the source and ask the customers themselves. Surveying consumers about their experiences is one way to contact them and discover what issues they had with the product. Another way is through product reviews.

These days it is relatively easy to conduct these surveys and get these reviews thanks to widespread digital access. Social media platforms, store and product websites, and review websites offer convenient and simple ways for customers to leave evaluations and answer satisfaction surveys. Another option is to include these assessment opportunities on the purchase receipt. Some businesses even choose to provide monetary or reward program incentives for these responses.

The bottom line is, if at first your product fails, do not give up, instead look for answers using these methods and try again.